Sunday 22 May 2016


According to Adrian Lester, how long has Othello been fighting for?
Othello has been fighting since the age of 7

According to Adrian Lester, Othello is not born into a 'sense of nobility', like those around him. How does Adrian Lester say this impacts the character?
Othello is very aware of how he appears in front of the Venetians,  

What increases Othello's status in Venice?
Marrying Desdemona, the only child of a well to do senator, thus Othello stands to inherit a good position

Why does Rory Kinnear say Iago is disgruntled with Othello?
Iago is 'disgruntled' with Othello because Cassio has been effectively favored over him due to him being younger and posher. Iago has seen and experienced the same war horrors as Othello so finds it unfair that someone with less experience gets the job over him.

What do Othello and Iago have in common, according to Rory Kinnear?
Othello and Iago are both soldiers that started from the bottom. However Othello, through charisma, skills and strength as a soldier, has overtaken Iago, hence Othello being the General. 

Around 4.20, Rory Kinnear lists some of the ways Iago aims to bring down Othello and Cassio. What are they?
Iago's ways to bring people down are through: 

subterfuge (deceit)
insinuation (unpleasant hint/ suggestion of something bad)
getting people on his side

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