Sunday 15 November 2015

Independent Reading- Chapter 18

Introduction to: Literature, criticism and theory (Third edition) by Andrew Bennett and Nicholas Royle

What does all-pervading mean?
occurring or having an effect through or into every part of something.
Phallogocentric/Phallocentrism definition?
In critical theory and deconstructionphallogocentrism is a neologism coined by Jacques Derrida to refer to the privileging of the masculine (phallus) in the construction of meaning. It is a portmanteau of the older terms phallocentrism, putting the masculine point of view central, and logocentrism, giving a central place to spoken language in assigning meaning to the world.
What does equivocal mean?
open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous.
Similar to erosion

  • Is Gilman implying that the only way out of patriarchy is madness?
  • The unconscious knows no contradictions, she is mad and not mad at the same time. She is and is not the woman behind the wallpaper at the same time
  • There is a deeper analysis to just gender roles
  • Patriarchy isn't just the behavior of men but women as well
  • Phallogocentrism gives importance to the person with a penis
reduced to 5 words

  • To escape patriarchy, be mad
  • You do you because (of) influences
  • Question more than is known
  • No patriarchy (if) women allowed (it to) happen
  • Phallogocentrism central importance with penis
One key word/ idea
  • Suffering
  • Alter-ego
  • Advanced
  • Imbalance
  • Phallogocentrism
The essay introduced me into new theories and ways of looking at things. Phallogocentrism is a new term I have learned from this and I think it is a huge influence on feminist texts because of the male usually being the focus. The critical essay also introduced me to ideas linking to Freud and the example 'both your mother and not your mother but someone else at the same time' which i took away as everyone being viewed differently by groups of people, for example my mother is my mum but is also some peoples vocal coach, or perhaps just plainly she is my mother but is also a human being with her own life. From The Yellow Wallpaper, it drew upon ideas that it is a metaphor she literally is not behind the wallpaper but she feels trapped as though she is.

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